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Journal/NDM45 2010 eng

Версия от 15:16, 7 января 2018; Kronrod (обсуждение | вклад) (New Minerals and Their Varieties, New Finds of Rare Minerals, Mineral Paragenesis)

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New Data on Minerals, vol.45, 2010

New data on Minerals. Volume 45. 2010. 168 pages, 99 images, drawings, schemes.
Editor: Prof. Margarita I. Novgorodova.
Publication of the Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences, Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS.


This volume contains papers on the newly discovered mineral species – aleksandrovite, the Sn-analogue of baratovite, and åskagenite-(Nd), a new mineral of epidote supergroup. Discoveries of the rare minerals – irarsite (from ores of the Shanuch deposit in Kamchatka), orickite, jaipurite, westerveldite, edgarite, tungstenite and other chalcogenides (from the Khibiny massif in Kola peninsula) are described. New data on accessory minerals from the Semeninskaya pit in the Aduy pegmatite field in the Ural Mts., on arsenosulvanite and other sulphides from the Lebedinoe deposit in the Aldan Mts., on the composition and features of native gold from an ore occurrence in South-Eastern Kamchatka, are given. Zoned crystals of monazite(Ce) from granite pegmatites of the Ilmeny Mts. are studied, including radiology dating. Problems of mineralogy and geochemistry of tetravalent uranium, uranium ores and sulfide-oxide associations in modern submarine pyrites, are covered.
In the chapter “Mineral museums and collections” there is a paper on the exhibition in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Alexander N. Labuntsov – the discoverer of apatite deposits in the Khibiny Mts.
The next chapter – “Personalities” – for the first time brings forward letters found in the RAS archives from Alexander N. Labuntsov to academician Vladimir I. Vernadsky. The “Mineralogical notes” chapter includes description of rare intergrowth twins of magnetite from the Kurzhunkul deposit, Kazakhstan, and discussion of previous mistakes in the calculation of the chemical composition of some minerals.
The “Discussions” is represented by the paper on the problems of the definition of a valid mineral species and metastable mineralization.
The journal is of interest to mineralogists, geochemists, geologists and also researchers of Natural History museums, collectors and amateurs.

Editorial Board
  • Editor in Chief Margarita I. Novgorodova, Doctor in Science, Professor
  • Executive Editor Elena A. Borisova, Ph.D.
  • Eugeny I. Semenov, Doctor in Science,
  • Svetlana N. Nenasheva, Ph.D.,
  • Elena N. Matvienko, Ph.D.,
  • Marianna B. Chistyakova, Ph.D.,
  • Mikhail E. Generalov, Ph.D.
Publishing group
  • Photo Michael B. Leybov
  • Leader of Publishing group Michael B. Leybov
  • Managing Editor Ludmila A. Cheshko
  • Art Director Nikolay O. Parlashkevich
  • Editor Andrey L. Cheshko
  • Design and Layout Ivan A. Glazov
  • Translators Maria S. Alferova, Il'ya A. Anisimov, Ivan A. Baksheev, Mark Fed’kun, Valerii V. Gerasimovskii, Mikhail Povarennykh
  • Editors (English Style) Patricia Gray, Frank C. Hawthorne, Peter Modreski

Authorized for printing by Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences, Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS
Text, photo, drawings and schemes, Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS, 2010
Design BRITAN Ltd, 2010
Published by Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences, BRITAN Ltd Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS Box 71 Moscow Bld. 18/2 Leninskii Prospekt Moscow 119071 Russia Phone/fax +7 (495) 629-48-12 Phone +7 (495) 952-00-67; fax +7 (495) 952-48-50 email: minbooks@online.ru
email: mineral@fmm.ru www.minbook.com
Circulation 300 copies
Printed in Russia


New Minerals and Their Varieties, New Finds of Rare Minerals, Mineral Paragenesis

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Pautov L.А., Agakhanov А.А., Karpenko V.Y., Gafurov F.G.

Aleksandrovite, KLi3Ca7Sn2[Si6O18]2F2 – a new tin mineral, p. 5 - 16

Aleksandrovite, KLi3Ca7Sn2[Si6O18]2F2 is a new mineral, the tin analogue of baratovite. It was discovered in a moraine boulder of microcline-calcite rock, along with quartz, albite, aegirine-hedenbergite pyroxene, in the Darai-Pioz glacier (Tajikistan). The mineral association is represented by baratovite, fluorite, miserite, Sn-bearing titanite, bazirite, pabstite, Sn-bearing sogdianite, sugilite, turkestanite, fluorapatite (apatite(CaF)). The new mineral occurs in two types: a) minute (up to 50–70 μm) lamellar grains with no zoning visible under BSE, and b) crystals (up to 0.8 mm) and aggregates of zoned and sectorial grains with separate zones of aleksandrovite, and baratovite or katayamalite. The mineral is colourless, transparent, with vitreous lustre and pearl lustre on cleaved surface. Streak colour is white. Cleavage is perfect along (001). Density (measured) = 3.05(2) g/cm3, density (calculated) = 3.07(2) g/cm3. Microhardness is 300 kg/mm2. Mohs hardness is 4–4.5. It fluoresces light-blue under short wave UV (254 nm). The mineral is biaxial, optically negative: np = 1.629(2), nm = 1.635(4), ng = 1.638(2) (589 nm); 2V (calculated) = –70.3°. Dispersion is strong, r > v. Elongation is positive, angle of extinction varies from 0° to 22°. Aleksandrovite is monoclinic, C2/c, a = 17.01(2), b = 9.751(6), c = 21.00(2) Å, b = 112.45(8)° , V = 3219(7) Å3 , Z = 4. The strongest X-Ray lines are as follows: (d in Å (I) (hkl)): 4.86(21)(31–1); 3.712(33)(312); 3.234(100)(006); 3.206(34)(223); 3.039(28)(025); 2.894(42)(314); 2.425(42)(008); 1.950(25)(426). Chemical analysis (EMPA, an average out of 17 analyses; Li2O – ICP OES, H2O – calculated; wt.%): SiO2 – 48.01, Al2O3 – 0.07, TiO2 – 2.86, SnO2 – 12.84, ZrO2 – 1.27, Nb2O5 – 0.11, Fe2O3 – 0.27, Ce2O3 – 0.04, MgO – 0.05, CaO – 25.52, SrO – 0.39, Na2O – 0.20, K2O – 2.91, Li2O – 3.01, F – 1.71, H2O – 0.39, (-O=F2) = 0.72, total 99.12. Empiric formula of aleksandrovite - (K0.93Na0.10)1.03Li3.02(Ca6.82Sr0.06Mn0.04Mg0.02)6.94(Sn1.28Ti0.54 Zr0.15Fe0.05Nb0.01)2.03(Si11.98Al0.02)12O36.00[F1.35(OH)0.65]2.00. IR spectrum of aleksandrovite is similar to that of baratovite, the strongest absorption strips are: 1083, 1024, 974, 950, 673, 607, 568, 520, 470, 440 cm-1. Compatibility index is 1 – (Kp/Kc) = –0.005. The mineral is named to honour of the well-known Russian geochemist, geologist and mineralogist Stanislav Mikhailovich Aleksandrov (born in 1932) for his great contribution in geology, geochemistry and mineralogy of tin. The type specimen is stored in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS in Moscow (registration number 3825/1). читать далее...

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Chukanov N.V., Göttlicher J., Möckel S., Sofer Z., Van К.V., Belakovskiy D.I.

Åskagenite(Nd), Mn2+NdAl2Fe3+(Si2O7)(SiO4)O2 – a new mineral of the epidote supergroup, p. 17 - 22

A new epidote-supergroup mineral åskagenite-(Nd) was discovered in specimens from a granite pegmatite outcropped at the Åskagen deposit near the town of Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden, in association with potassic feldspar, quartz, bastnäsite, thorite, the Nd-dominant analogue of allanite-(Ce), brookite, gadolinite-(Y) and allophаne. The new mineral forms coarse prismatic and flattened crystals up to 1×4 cm in size. Åskagenite-(Nd) is black, with resinous lustre and brown streak, translucent in thin fragments; brittle, Mohs’ hardness 6, fracture conchoidal. Dmeas = 3.737(5) g/cm3 (for a metamict sample); Dcalc = 4.375 g/cm3 (for a sample heated at 600°C during 1 h in nitrogen). Åskagenite-(Nd) is optically isotropic, n = 1.712(2). IR spectrum is given. Chemical composition (electron microprobe, water determined by Alimarin method, Fe2+:Fe3+ by Mössbauer data, valency of Mn by XANES spectroscopic data, wt.%): CaO 0.27, Y2O3 2.27, La2O3 0.44, Ce2O3 7.99, Pr2O3 1.76, Nd2O3 11.21, Sm2O3 3.01, Yb2O3 0.21, ThO2 0.72, MnO 7.98, FeO 7.75, Fe2O3 9.16, Al2O3 15.85, SiO2 29.51, H2O 0.55, total; 98.75. Crystalchemical formula: (Mn2+0.69Fe2+0.26Ca0.03)∑0.98(Nd0.41Ce0.30Y0.12Sm0.10Pr0.07La0.02Yb0.01Th0.02)∑1.05(Al0.90Fe3+0.10)∑1.00Al1.00(Fe3+0.60Fe2+0.40)∑1.00Si2.99O11O[O0.63(OH)0.37]∑1.00. Strong lines of X-ray powder-diffraction pattern of a heated sample d, Å (I; hkl) are: 3.50(46; -211), 3.22(50; -212, 201), 2.897 (100; -301), 2.850(73; 020), 2.687(73; 120), 2.121(48; -403), 1.630(59; 124). Unit-cell parameters are: a = 8.78(1) Å, b = 5.710(6) Å, c = 10.02(1) Å, b = 114.6(2)°; V = 456.7(8) Å3, Z = 2; space group P21/m. Type material is deposited in the collections of the Technische Universität, Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; inventory numbers are 82194 and 82218. читать далее...

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Stepanov V.А., Kungurova V.Е., Gvozdev V.I.

Irarsite discovery in copper-nickel ores of Shanuch deposit (Kamchatka), p. 23 - 27

In sulfide copper-nickel ores of the Shanuch deposit (Kamchatka) new for this deposit mineral – irarsite was found. The deposit is associated spatially and geneticly with stocks and dikes of the Dukukskiy basite-hyperbasite complex of Eocene age. Three mineral associations are distinguished in its ores: pentlandite-pyrrhotite, magnetite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite and pyrite-marcasite one. It is established, that irarsite forms microinclusions in sulfoarsenides, more seldom in pentlandite of magnetite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite association of massive sulfide ores. In irarsite composition there are constantly admixtures of iron, nickel and cobalt, sometimes of rhodium and platinum. читать далее...

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Popova V.I., Kotlyarov V.A.

New data on the accessory minerals of the Semeninskaya pit of the Aduy pegmatite field (Urals), p. 28 - 32

Composition and forms of separations of two specimens of “euxenite” from the collections of A.E. Fersman (from the funds of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, RAS) found to be samarskite-(Y) as well as new findings of samarskite-(Y), ferro- and manganocolumbite, monazite-(Се), gahnite and spessartine from quartz-albite aggregates of chamber granitic pegmatite from the Semeninskaya pit have been investigated. Samarskite grains are partly replaced by fersmite, and in zones of alteration contain silica (probably opal). читать далее...

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Yakovleva О.S., Pekov I.V., Bryzgalov I.А., Men’shikov Yu.P.

Chalcogenide mineralization in the alumina-rich fenites of the Khibiny alkaline complex (Kola Peninsula, Russia), p. 33 - 49

Apoxenolithic alumina-rich fenites in the Khibiny alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia) contain various and specific chalcogenide (mostly sulphide) mineralization. Chalcogenides occur mostly in essentially nephelinefeldspar rocks with variable quantities of other minerals (biotite, rutile, hercynite, corundum, ilmenite, pyrophanite, graphite, sillimanite, sekaninaite, native iron etc.). The most abundant are members of the pyrrhotite-troilite series, in some areas molybdenite is predominant. The other chalcogenides are subordinate however among them there occur both rather rare minerals (jaipurite CoS and westerveldite FeAs – the first finds in Russia, tungstenite WS2 – the first find in Khibiny) and geochemically unique objects – edgarite FeNb3S6 and Ti-bearing iron sulphides. Pyrite, marcasite, alabandite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, lö llingite, galena, cubanite, pentlandite also occur. The irregular distribution of sulphides in fenites (from 0.0 up to almost 70%) is due to the primary sulphur content in the protolith (Precambrian alumina-rich schists) which is considered to be its source. Activity of S2- in some areas of the fenites reaches the record values for the Earth objects, which results in unique mineral associations with sulphides containing Mn, W, V, and even Nb, Ti, Cr. The distribution analysis of metals (species-defining and “macro-impurities”: from 0.n to n wt.%) among oxygen compounds and sulphides resulted in an empiric seguence of chalcophility decrease, i.e. affinity to S2- (and, correspondingly, increase of lithophylity) of metals: Cu,Pb,Mo → Zn → Fe → Mn,W,V → Nb,Cr → Ti → Mg,Ca → Al,Be,REE. The formation of the sulphides in alumina-rich fenites in general took place at high temperatures (> 500–600°C) and high reducing potential. читать далее...

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Nenasheva S.N., Karpenko V.Y.

Features of arsenosulvanite from the Lebedinoe deposit, Central Aldan, p. 50 - 59

The results of examination of arsenosulvanite from the Lebedinoe deposit are discussed. The comparison with available published data of arsenosulvanite and colusite indicated that arsenosulvanite studied here is significantly different from colusite in both content of species-forming minerals and set of admixtures. Based on the electron microprobe data, X-ray diffraction study, and taking into account data by FrankKame netskaya (2002) that arsenosulvanite and colu site are two structural modifications of compound V2Cu24As6S32, we conclude arsenosulvanite as independent and incorrectly discredited mineral species (Burke, 2006). читать далее...

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Nenasheva S.N., Karpenko V.Y., Pautov L.А.

Sulfide mineralization of the Lebedinoe deposit, Central Aldan, p. 60 - 65

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Borisova Е.А.

Native gold from Mutnovskoe ore occurrence, South-Eastern Kamchatka, Russia, p. 66 - 71

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Popova V.I., Hiller V.V., Erokhin Y.V., Popov V.A.

Monazites of the late granitic pegmatites from Ilmeny mountains: an age chemical dating of zonal and sectorial crytals, p. 72 - 78

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Doynikova O.А., Sidorenko G.А.

To mineralogy of tetravalent uranium, p. 79 - 90

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Mozgova N.N., Borodaev Yu.S., Stepanova Т.V., Cherkashev G.А., Uspenskaya Т.Yu.

Sulfide-oxide mineral assemblages as indicator of sulfur and oxygen regime in modern submarine massive sulfide deposits, p. 91 - 100

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Chernikov А.А.

Mineralogical and geochemical features of the uranium ore composition: scientific and practical importance, p. 101 - 111

Crystal Chemistry, Minerals as Prototypes of New Materials, Physical and Chemical Properties of Minerals

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Pekov I.V., Yapaskurt V.O., Bryzgalov I.A., Zubkova N.V.

Orickite from the Khibiny alkaline complex (Kola Peninsula) and its structure features, p. 113 - 120

Mineralogical Museums and Collections

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Matvienko E.N., Sokolova E.L., Borisova E.A., Pavlova T.M.

Fersman Mineralogical Museum exhibit devoted to the 125th anniversary of A.N. Labuntsov, p. 122 - 127


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Borisova E.A., Pavlova T.M., Labuntsova M.A.

To A.N. Labuntsov’s 125th anniversary: A.N. Labuntsov’s letters to academician V.I. Vernadsky (from the Archive of Russian Academy of Sciences), p. 129 - 147

Mineralogical Notes

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Popov V.A., Epanchintsev S.G.

Intergrowth twins of magnetite in ores of Kurzhunkul deposit, Kazakhstan, p. 149 - 150

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Semenov Е.I.

Old mistakes in determination of mineral composition, p. 151


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Borutzky B.Ye.

The essays on fundamental and genetic mineralogy: 5. Mineral species and the metastable mineralization, p. 153 - 165

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Matvienko E.N.

On 90th anniversary of Ilmeny state conservation area, p. 166 - 167

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Alferova M.S., Mokhova N.A.

The new approach to the scientific museums: the “museum orienteering”, p. 168