Москва, Ленинский проспект 18 корпус 2,
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Journal/NDM53 2019 eng
New Data on Minerals. 2019. Volume 53.
Edited by P.Yu. Plechov, Professor, Doctor in Science.
Published by the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Four issues of the journal in 2019:
Contents of issue 1 (volume 53)
Elaborating some museum issues in the field of mineralogy. I. On the specific features of mineral collections, p. 1-5
The paper is devoted to the individual features of the mineralogical collections that distinguish them from collections of other objects of inanimate nature. These features are important for understanding and assessing the general cultural value of mineralogical collections and separate specimens in them. Wide intraspecific diversity, often the most pronounced precisely in the visually determinable characteristics, is a bright feature of many minerals. The decisive role in the evaluation of mineral specimens in many cases is played by their “immeasurable” characteristics, perceived “through feelings”, primarily compositional characteristics. This brings together exhibits of mineralogical collections, valued also for aesthetic merit, with unique, "non-serial" works of art, and makes it necessary, in particular, to take into account the "artistic" aspect in assessing the significance of such mineral specimen. The expertise of such subject gets, thus, some common features with the art-criticism expertise. читать далее...
Elaborating some museum issues in the field of mineralogy. III. On the concept of "find of a mineral" sensu lato and its characteristics, p. 6-15
The paper is devoted to the concept of "find of a mineral" in a broad sense, which means the entire set of specimens of the mineral found (collected) at the considered mineral locality. The quality, in the museum aspect, of the find of a mineral is discussed in detail and criteria for its evaluation and corresponding evaluation systems applying to different minerals are suggested. читать далее...
Elaborating some museum issues in the field of mineralogy. III. On the concept of "find of a mineral" sensu lato and its characteristics, p. 16-22
The paper is devoted to the concept of "find of a mineral" in a broad sense, which means the entire set of specimens of the mineral found (collected) at the considered mineral locality. The quality, in the museum aspect, of the find of a mineral is discussed in detail and criteria for its evaluation and corresponding evaluation systems applying to different minerals are suggested. читать далее...