Москва, Ленинский проспект 18 корпус 2,
тел. (495) 954-39-00
Journal/NDM43 2008 eng
New Data on Minerals. Volume 43. Мoscow: Аltum Ltd, 2008. 176 pages, 250 photos, and drawings.
Editor: Margarita I. Novgorodova, Doctor in Science, Professor.
Publication of Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences – Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS
This volume contains articles on new mineral species and new finds of rare minerals, among them – Nalivkinite, a
new mineral of the astrophyllite group; new finds of Dzhalindite, Mo-bearing Stolzite and Greenockite in ores of the
Budgaya, Eastern Transbaikalia; new finds of black Powellite in molybdenum-uranium deposit of Southern
Kazakhstan. Corundum-bearing Pegmatite from the Khibiny massif and Columbite-Tantalite group minerals of raremetal
tantalum-bearing amazonite-albite granites from Eastern Transbaikalia and Southern Kazakhstan are
described. There is also an article on mineralogical and geochemical features of uranium ores from Southeastern
Transbaikalia deposits. New data on titanium-rich Biotite and on polymorphs of anhydrous dicalcium orthosilicate
are published.
“Mineralogical Museums and Collections” section contains articles on collections and exhibits of Fersman
Mineralogical Museum RAS: on the collection of mining engineer I.N. Kryzhanovsky; on Faberge Eggs from the
funds of this museum (including a describing of symbols on the box with these eggs); on the exhibition devoted to
A.E. Fersman’s 125th anniversary and to 80 years of the first edition of his famous book “Amuzing Mineralogy” and
the review of Fersman Mineralogical Museum acquisitions in 2006–2008. This section includes also some examples
from the history of discovery of national deposits by collection’s specimens.
In “Personalities” section there is article on A.E. Fersman’s Uralian expeditions and on his role in the organization of
the Ilmeny State Reserve; arcticle on the life and the activity of Professor G.P. Barsanov, the director of the Fersman
Mineralogical Museum in 1952–1976.
“Mineralogical Notes” section is devoted to Fe-dominant Bogdanovite from cementation zone of the Aginsky goldtelluride
deposit, Kamchatka; and on the find of Mackinawite inclusions in grossular at the Talnakh Achtarandite
In “Discussions” section there is a paper on problems of species formation in mineralogy where minerals of variable
composition and with variable structure are discussed on the example of eudialyte-eucolites.
The volume is interesting for mineralogists, geochemists, geologists, collaborators of Natural History museums, collectors
and minerals-amateurs.
Editorial Board
- Editor in Chief Margarita I. Novgorodova, Doctor in Science, Professor
- Executive Editor Elena A. Borisova, Ph. D.
- Evgeniy I. Semenov, Doctor in Science
- Svetlana N. Nenasheva, Ph. D.
- Marianna B. Chistyakova, Ph. D.
- Elena N. Matvienko, Ph. D.
- Mikhail E. Generalov, Ph. D
Publishing group
- Photo: Michael B. Leybov, Natalia А. Pekova
- Leader of Publishing Group Michael B. Leybov
- Executive Editor Ludmila A. Cheshko
- Art Editor Nikolai O. Parlashkevich
- Editor Andrey L. Cheshko, Alexander A. Prokubovsky
- Translators Il’ya Anisimov, Maria S. Alferova,
- Ivan S. Baksheev, Mark V. Fed’kin,
- Boris Z. Kantor, Alexander S. Yakubchuk
- Editors of Style(English) Peter Modreski, Patricia A.S. Gray, Frank C. Hawthorne
- Design (idea) Dmitrii Ershov
- Layout Ivan A. Glazov and Alexey A. Ludin
Authorized for printing by the Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences – Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS
Text, photos, drawings, Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences – Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS, 2008
Design AlLTUM Ltd, 2008
Published by
Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences – Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS bld. 18, korpus 2, Leninskiy Prospekt Moscow 119071 Russia Phone: 74959520067; fax: 74959524850
Box 71
Moscow 117556 Russia
Phone/fax: +74956294812
Printed in Russia
Circulation 300 copies