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Journal/NDM42 2007 eng
New Data on Minerals. volume 42. Мoscow: Аltum Ltd, 2007. 168 pages, 137 photos, and drawings.
Editor: Margarita I. Novgorodova, Doctor in Science, Professor.
Publication of Fersman Mineralogical Museum of Russian Academy of Science
This volume contains articles on new mineral species, among them – Faizievite, Guimarã esite, a rocherite-group
mineral from Brazil, and Ferroskuterudite, arsenide of iron and cobalt from the Norilsk ore field; the description of
new finds of recently discovered minerals – Pertsevite and Megacyclite with the structure of the last one; new data
on mineralogical assemblages with bituminous matter in pegmatites of the Khibiny massif, on the features of occurrence
of noble metals in ores and oxidized zone of the Onega deposits in South Karelia; the results of studying of
Grossular, Vesuvianite and Achtrandite of the Talnakh region; the results of research of transformation of mineral
paragenetic assemblages from copper sulfide ores of the Krasnov hydrotermal field; the nomenclature of the
Loellingitegroup diarsenides.
The paper of the chairman and vicechairman, Subcommittee for Unnamed Minerals, IMA Commission on New
Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification, published earlier in Canadian Mineralogist journal, is reproduced here
in brief version by request of the Commission in order to introduce the new and approved coding system as widely
as possible.
"Mineral Museums and Collections" section contains information on mineral collections of Fersman Mineralogical
Museum: on art things of masters from the Urals on mineral collections of the Tsesarevichs and of General G.P.
Chernik; on the story of one exhibit from the Museum – a black basalt with a golden monogram; and also there is
in this section a description of the mineralogical collection of the GeoMuseum, Cologne University, Germany.
"Personalities" section includes the article on the exhibition "Jubilees and Their Heroes"; this exhibition was devoted
to 290 years of Fersman Mineralogical Museum and other jubilees concerning with the Museum. Two more articles
are devoted to Professors Alexander A. Godovikov and Georgiy P. Barsanov who had leaded this Museum in
different periods.
In "Mineralogical Notes" section two articles are published. First, on carbonates in metakimberlite, Zarnitsa pipe,
and second, on the twisted filiform magnesian calcite from rocks at Russian platform.
The volume is interesting for mineralogists, geochemists, geologists, curators of Natural History museums, and collectors.
Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief Margarita I. Novgorodova, Doctor in Science, Professor
- Executive Editor Elena A. Borisova, Ph. D.
- Evgeniy I. Semenov, Doctor in Science
- Svetlana N. Nenasheva, Ph. D.
- Elena N. Matvienko, Ph. D.
- Marianna B. Chistyakova, Ph. D.
Publishing group
- Photo: Michael B. Leybov
- Leader of Publishing Group Michael B. Leybov
- Executive Editor Ludmila A. Cheshko
- Art Editor Nikolai O. Parlashkevich
- Editor Alexander A. Prokubovsky
- Translators Il’ya Anisimov, Maria S. Alferova,
- Ivan S. Baksheev, Mark V. Fed’kin,
- Boris Z. Kantor, Alexander S. Yakubchuk
- Editors of Style(English) Peter Modreski, Patricia A.S. Gray, Frank C. Hawthorne
- Design (idea) Dmitrii Ershov
- Layout Ivan A. Glazov and Alexey A. Ludin
Authorized for printing by the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of Russian Academy of Science
Text, photos, drawings, Fersman Mineralogical Museum of Russian Academy of Science, 2007
Design AlLTUM Ltd, 2007
Published by Fersman Mineralogical Museum of Russian Academy of Science
bld. 18, korpus 2, Leninskiy Prospekt Moscow 119071 Russia
Phone: 74959520067; fax: 74959524850
Box 71
Moscow 117556 Russia
Phone/fax: +74956294812
Printed in Russia
New Minerals and Their Varieties, New Finds of Rare Minerals, Mineral Paragenesis Assemblages
Faizievite K2Na(Ca6Na)Ti4Li6Si24O66F2 – a New Mineral Species, p. 5 - 10
Guimarã esite, a New Zn-dominant Monoclinic Roscherite-group Mineral from Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, p. 11 - 15
Ferroskutterudite, Nickelskutterudite, and Skutterudite from the Norilsk Ore Field, p. 16 - 27
The New Finds of Pertsevite, p. 28 - 32
New Data on Mineral Assemblages with Bituminous Matter in Pegmatites of the Khibiny Massif, p. 33 - 42
Features of Occurrence and Distribution of Noble Metals in Ores and Oxidized Zone of the Onega Uranium-Vanadium Deposits, South Karelia, p. 43 - 49
Grossular, Vesuvianite and Achtarandite Mineralogy of the Talnakh Region, p. 50 - 61
Features of Transformation of Mineral Paragenetic Assemblages from Copper Sulfide Ores of the Krasnov Hydrothermal field (16°38’ N Mid-Atlantic Ridge), p. 62 - 76
Codification of Unnamed Minerals, p. 77 - 79
Crystal Chemistry, Minerals as Prototypes of New Materials, Physical and Chemical Properties of Minerals
Dmitriy Yu. Pushcharovsky. New Data on Megacyclite, p. 81 - 92
On Composition and Nomenclature of the Loellingite-group Diarsenides, p. 93 - 95
Mineralogical Museums and Collections
Stone-cutting in the Urals. Articles of masters from Ekaterinburg in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum Russian Academy of Sciences, p. 97 - 113
The Mineralogical Collection of the GeoMuseum, Cologne University, Germany, p. 114 - 119
General and His Collection. The Mineral Collection of G.P. Chernik at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, RAS, p. 120 - 128
A Monogram on Basalt, p. 129 - 131
Is this a Regal Engagement? On the Mineral Collection of The Throne Crown Prince, p. 132 - 137
2006–2007: Jubilees and Their Heroes, p. 139 - 145
Alexander Alexandrovich Godovikov. Life and Activity, p. 146 - 153
Professor Georgii Pavlovich Barsanov and V.I. Vernadsky and A.E. Fersman Mineralogical-Geochemical School, p. 154 - 156
Mineralogical Notes
Ca�bearing Strontianite, Barite, Dolomite, and Calcite from Metakimberlite, Zarnitsa pipe, Yakutia, p. 158 - 162
Twisted Filiform Magnesian Calcite from Carbonate Rocks at Russian Platform, p. 163 - 167
'Fersmaniada–2008': Competition for the best scientific work by the young geologists and mineralogists, within the International conference 'Fersmanovskie chteniya', p. 168