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Journal/NDM53 2019 eng — различия между версиями

(Contents of issue 3 (volume 53))
(Contents of issue 2 (volume 53))
Строка 52: Строка 52:
The current results of the mineralogical study of the Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province, the Pamir pegmatites, the fumaroles of the Tolbachinsky dol and coal fire sublimates of Ravat, the rare-earth mineralization of Mochalin Log and the thallium mineralization of the Vorontsov deposit in Urals are summarized. <br>
The current results of the mineralogical study of the Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province, the Pamir pegmatites, the fumaroles of the Tolbachinsky dol and coal fire sublimates of Ravat, the rare-earth mineralization of Mochalin Log and the thallium mineralization of the Vorontsov deposit in Urals are summarized. <br>
The results of the study of olivine of magnesian skarns and rare finds for igneous rocks of extreme magnesian olivine (Fo>96) and olivine containing up to 0.48 wt.% P <sub> 2 </sub> O <sub> 5 </sub>. In olivine of magnesian skarns, a substantial titanium content was first recorded. The data on the composition of chromium spinelide inclusions in olivine from the volcanic rocks of Kamchatka are summarized.
The results of the study of olivine of magnesian skarns and rare finds for igneous rocks of extreme magnesian olivine (Fo>96) and olivine containing up to 0.48 wt.% P <sub> 2 </sub> O <sub> 5 </sub>. In olivine of magnesian skarns, a substantial titanium content was first recorded. The data on the composition of chromium spinelide inclusions in olivine from the volcanic rocks of Kamchatka are summarized.
<p><i>Keywords:<i> Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the RUS, 2018 scientific review, 31 new minerals, olivine, diamond, Cr-spinel, Tolbachik, Pamir, Mochalin Log, Vorontsovskoe deposit.
<p><i>Keywords:<i> Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the RUS, 2018 scientific review, 31 new minerals, olivine, diamond, Cr-spinel, Tolbachik, Pamir, Mochalin Log, Vorontsovskoe deposit.<br>
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Версия 18:00, 15 декабря 2020

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New Data on Minerals. 2019. Volume 53

New Data on Minerals. 2019. Volume 53.
Edited by P.Yu. Plechov, Professor, Doctor in Science.
Published by the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Four issues of the journal in 2019:

Contents of issue 1 (volume 53)

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Pekov I.V.

Elaborating some museum issues in the field of mineralogy. I. On the specific features of mineral collections, p. 1-5

The paper is devoted to the individual features of the mineralogical collections that distinguish them from collections of other objects of inanimate nature. These features are important for understanding and assessing the general cultural value of mineralogical collections and separate specimens in them. Wide intraspecific diversity, often the most pronounced precisely in the visually determinable characteristics, is a bright feature of many minerals. The decisive role in the evaluation of mineral specimens in many cases is played by their “immeasurable” characteristics, perceived “through feelings”, primarily compositional characteristics. This brings together exhibits of mineralogical collections, valued also for aesthetic merit, with unique, "non-serial" works of art, and makes it necessary, in particular, to take into account the "artistic" aspect in assessing the significance of such mineral specimen. The expertise of such subject gets, thus, some common features with the art-criticism expertise.

Keywords: mineralogical museum, mineral collection, natural history collection, mineral specimen. читать далее...

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Pekov I.V.

Elaborating some museum issues in the field of mineralogy. III. On the concept of "find of a mineral" sensu lato and its characteristics, p. 6-15

Elaborating some museum issues in the field of mineralogy. II. On various aspects of the significance of a mineral specimen The paper is devoted to different aspects of the scientific and general cultural significance of a mineral specimen, primarily as an exhibit of the mineralogical collection. Various characteristics of a mineral specimen, both objective (quality, rarity, originality) and subjective (degree of study, historical value, etc.) ones are discussed. Criteria for their evaluation and corresponding evaluation systems are suggested, as well as approaches and specific methodological techniques proposed for use in the museum work to characterize the significance of a mineral specimen and highlight outstanding exhibits in mineral collections. Special attention is paid to the duality of the concept of "rarity of a mineral" and the advisability of its definition in the museum work through the cumulative number of specimens of the mineral that are present in collections.

Keywords: mineralogical museum, mineral collection, mineral specimen, quality of mineral specimen, degree of study of mineral specimen, rarity of mineral.
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Pekov I.V.

Elaborating some museum issues in the field of mineralogy. III. On the concept of "find of a mineral" sensu lato and its characteristics, p. 16-22

The paper is devoted to the concept of "find of a mineral" in a broad sense, which means the entire set of specimens of the mineral found (collected) at the considered mineral locality. The quality, in the museum aspect, of the find of a mineral is discussed in detail and criteria for its evaluation and corresponding evaluation systems applying to different minerals are suggested.

Keywords: mineralogical museum, mineral collection, geographic information in mineralogy, find of a mineral. читать далее...

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Borisova E.A.

The book by Marianna B. Chistyakova:Stone-cut Items in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum Collection, p. 23-26

In 2019, a monograph by Marianna Borisovna Chistyakova was published, dedicated to the description of the collection of gemstones of A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum of Russian Academy of Sciences. On February 6, 2019, there was a presentation of this publication, published with the help of the Gokhran of Russia and the sponsor E.E. Bogomolov.

Keywords: collection of gemstones, stone-cut collection , Mineralogical Museum, A.E. Fersman. читать далее...

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Generalov M.E.

In the wake of the Danish Italian. Antonio Cetti collection in A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum, p. 27-34

New data are published about Antonio Cetti and his mineralogical collection, acquired for the Kunstkamera in 1806 and later merged into the collection of the Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman. The information obtained helped to clarify the possible period of its formation, to connect samples to this collection for which authorship was not indicated or inaccurate in the documents of the museum.

Keywords: mineralogical collection history, natural science collections collector, Antonio Cetti, Kunstkamera, Mineralogical Museum, A.E. Fersman. читать далее...

Contents of issue 2 (volume 53)

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Plechov P.Yu., Pekov I.V., Belakovsky D.I., Pautov L.A., Kasatkin A.V., Agakhanov A.A., Moiseev M.M., Karpenko V.Yu., Nekrylov N.A., Gritsenko Yu.D., Garanin V.K.

DIVERSITY OF MINERALS AND THEIR PARAGENESIS: Scientific results of the A.E. Ferman Mineralogical Museum of RAS in 2018 , p. 36-57

The article is a summary of the main scientific results of the employees of the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum of RAS (MinMuseum RAS) in 2018. Brief descriptions of 31 new mineral species are given: khrenovite, rhabdoborite-(V), rhabdoborite-(W), manaevite-(Ce), paraberzeliite, belogubite, zubkovaite, achyrophanite, aleutite, elasmochloite, hanauerite, udinaite, arsenudunaite, akopovaite, (La), radekškodaite-(La), gladkovskyite, ferrierite, dalnegorskite, krasnoshteinite, antofagastaite, pliniusite, yarzhemskiite, alexkhomyakovite, milanriederite, kruijenite, falgarit, badakhshanite-(Y), nataliakulikite, avdeyevite, Perbøeite-(La).
The current results of the mineralogical study of the Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province, the Pamir pegmatites, the fumaroles of the Tolbachinsky dol and coal fire sublimates of Ravat, the rare-earth mineralization of Mochalin Log and the thallium mineralization of the Vorontsov deposit in Urals are summarized.
The results of the study of olivine of magnesian skarns and rare finds for igneous rocks of extreme magnesian olivine (Fo>96) and olivine containing up to 0.48 wt.% P 2 O 5 . In olivine of magnesian skarns, a substantial titanium content was first recorded. The data on the composition of chromium spinelide inclusions in olivine from the volcanic rocks of Kamchatka are summarized.

Keywords: Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the RUS, 2018 scientific review, 31 new minerals, olivine, diamond, Cr-spinel, Tolbachik, Pamir, Mochalin Log, Vorontsovskoe deposit.
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Contents of issue 3 (volume 53)

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Sandalov F.D., Koshlyakova N.N., Pekov I.V., Yapaskurt V.O., Khanin D.A., Sidorov E.G.

Cassiterite from fumarole exhalations of the Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka): chemical composition and morphogenetic features , p. 60-70

In the present study, cassiterite of fumarole genesis was first characterized. It was found in the deposits of the active fumarole Arsenatnaya (Second slag cone of the Northern breakthrough of the Great Fissure Tolbachinsky eruption 1975–76, Tolbachinsky dol, Tolbachik volcanic massif, Kamchatka), where it is closely associated with “salt” minerals - sylvin, halite - and alkaline sulfates of the aphthalite group, as well as with anhydrous arsenates of Ca, Mg, Na, Fe and Cu. Cassiterite here is represented by “fluffy” soft radial-radiant aggregates of fine-needle to hairy crystals in the cavities, which is a consequence of rapid crystallization from the gas phase. It also forms a sagenite lattice on hematite, which was recorded for cassiterite for the first time.

Keyworgs: cassiterite, tin in hematite, isomorphism, exhalation mineralisation, fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka. читать далее...

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Pekov I.V.

Elaborating some museum issues in the field of mineralogy. IV. On extraordinary mineral localities and their significance, p. 71-79

The paper is devoted to the problem of significance of mineral localities in scientific, museum and nature-preservation aspects. Extraordinary mineral localities (EML) are discussed, as well as their significance for science and in general cultural aspect, criteria for the assignment of the EML status for a mineral locality, principles of ranking of EMLs depending on their significance and the proposed for EMLs classification scheme which takes into account, in particular, the character of mineralogical material which originates from the EML.

Keywords: mineralogical museum, mineral collection, mineral locality, geographic information in mineralogy, natural monument. читать далее...

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Kasatkin A.V., Skoda R.

The discovery of kirkiite at the Berezovsky Gold Deposit (Middle Urals), p. 80-85

We discovered a rare sulfobismuthite-sulfoarsenite lead, kirkiite Pb 10 Bi 3 As 3 S 19 , in a sample from the Berezovsky gold ore deposit (Sverdlovsk region., Middle Urals), stored in the systematic collection of the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS under the number 71444. The mineral forms inclusions up to 50 microns in cosalite. The empirical formula for kirkyiite is Pb9.92(Bi2.91Sb0.18)Σ3.09As2.97S19.01. Monoclinic unit cell parameters: a = 8.582(18), b = 26.12(4), c = 8.80(2) Å, β = 119.8(2)°, V = 1711(6) ų. Kirkiit was found for the first time in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: kirkiite, cosalite, Berezovsky gold ore deposit, Middle Urals, the first find of a mineral. читать далее...

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Nenasheva S.N., Borisova E.A., Pavlova T.M.

The life and work of Marianna Borisovna Chistyakova. On the occasion of the 90th birthday, p. 86-93

The article is dedicated to the oldest employee of the Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman Marianna Borisovna Chistyakova (1929–2015), who worked at the museum for more than 60 years and was the responsible curator of the collections and expositions of the collection of gemstones.

Keywords: Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, collection of gemstones, museum exposition, stone-cutting items, M.B. Chistyakova.
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Contents of issue 4 (volume 53)

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Pautov L.A., Mirakov M.A., Makhmadsharif S., Karpenko V.Yu., Fayziev A.R.

Finding of native tellurium in sublimates of a natural underground fire in the tract Kukhi-Malik at the Fan-Yagnob coal deposit (Tajikistan), p. 95-99

The discovery of native tellurium in sublimates of high-temperature fumaroles in a natural underground coal fire in the tract Kukhi-Malik near the village of Rawat in the Fan-Yagnob coal deposit in the Sogd region of Tajikistan is described. Tellurium is represented by well-formed prismatic crystals (0.1 mm), on which the m {10¯10}, ¯e {01¯12}, r {10¯11} faces are most developed, and are less common with {0001} and a number of unidentified forms. In association with tellurium are Fe and K sulfates, Tl and K sulfate, and anglesite. Tellurium crystals are zonal; the central part is enriched in selenium (up to 10 wt.%). The physical properties and main reflections of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are presented. читать далее...

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Borisova E.A., Plechov P.Yu.

110-year Annyversary of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum periodical, p. 100-113

We celebrated 110-year anniversary of the “New data on minerals” journal in 2017. It started in 1907 as a Proceeding of Geological Museum named after Peter the Great.There is a brief retrospective overview of the first decade periodical issues (1907–1917/1918). читать далее...
Электронные приложения к статье
 : Borisova_Plechov_2019-4_table_1_rus.xlsx

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Mirakov M.A., Pautov L.A., Karpenko V.Yu., Fayziev A.R., Makhmadsharif S.

Pauflerite β-VO (SO 4 ) in sublimates of a natural underground fire in the tract Kukhi-Malik (Rawat) at the Fan-Yagnob coal deposit, Tajikistan, p. 114-121

In this study the finding of β-VO pauflerite (SO 4 ) in high-temperature outbursts of natural coal fire gases in the Kukhi-Malik tract near Ravat village, Fan-Yagnobsky coal deposit, Tajikistan, in brecciated siltstone is described. Pauflerite crystals are elongated-prismatic, measuring 40–100 microns; simple forms: b {010}, m {101} (most developed), e 110}, p {111}, δ {212}. Doubles are observed in (010) (?). The mineral is transparent, green, fragile. Glitter glass. Powflerite is optically biaxial, 2V close to 90º. The dispersion of the optical axes is very weak, v> r. The plane of the optical axes is perpendicular to the elongation of the crystals; np = 1.733 (2), nm = 1.778 (3), n g calc. = 1.823 (4). Pleochroism: by Ng - green color, by Nm and Np - light green. Absorption scheme Ng> Nm> Np. Composition (cf. 3 ann., Electron probe data, wt.%): VO 2 49.87, SO 3 50.01, amount 99.88. The empirical formula is V 0.97 O (S 1.02 O 4 ). The parameters of the rhombic unit cell (Ǻ): a = 7.392 (3), b = 6.272 (2), c = 7.064 (3). For the first time, a powder x-ray and drawings of powderedite crystals are shown. According to the presence of the mineral phases V, Cd, Mo, Tl, Bi, Sn, In, Sb, Se, Te, As, the sublimates of the coal fire at the Fan-Yagnobskoye deposit are close to the sublimates of the volcanic fumaroles of Kamchatka, Kuril, Italy, due to the common extraction mechanisms the gases of these elements from the host rocks, their transfer and deposition in the unloading zones. читать далее...

Russian version (V. 52)