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Journal/NDM52 2018 eng — различия между версиями

(не показаны 32 промежуточные версии 3 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
New Data on Minerals. 2018. Volume 52. <br>
'''New Data on Minerals, Volume 54, 2020'''<br>
Edited by P.Yu. Plechov, Professor, Doctor in Science. <br>
Published by the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences.<br>
Issue 1 - March 31, 2020<br>
Four issues of the journal in 2018:
Issue 2 - May 31, 2020<br>
====Contents of issue 1 (volume 52). Revision articles and brief reports on the study of museum samples.====
Issue 3 - August 31, 2020<br>
Issue 4 - November 30, 2020<br>
=====Editorial Board=====
'''Editor in Chief:'''<br>
Plechov P.Yu. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor<br>
'''Members of Editorial Board:'''<br>
Garanin V.K. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor<br>
Novgorodova M.I. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor<br>
Borutsky B.E. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy<br>
Spiridonov B.E. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy<br>
Kamenetsky V.S. - Professor (University of Tasmania)<br>
Nenasheva S.N. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy<br>
Matvienko E.N. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy<br>
Generalov M.E. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy<br>
Pautov L.A. - Senior Researcher <br>
'''Layout Designer''' <br>
Kronrod E.V. - PhD in Chemistry<br>
==== ''Issue 1'' ====
| Авторы = Plechov P.Yu. (from the editorial board)
| Авторы = Smolyaninova V.N.
| Название = Changes in the editorial policy of the journal "New data on minerals", p. 1-2
| Название = Devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Natalia Nikolaevna Smolyaninova, pp. 1-18
| Файл = Plechov2018-1_rus.pdf
| Аннотация = Natalia Nikolaevna Smolyaninova (1919–2013) was a mineralogist, daughter of the famous mineralogist Nikolai Alekseevich Smolyaninov. She worked at IGEM of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, studied mineralogy of the radium-uranium-vanadium deposit Tyuya-Muyun (Kyrgyzstan) and tungsten-molybdenum deposits Akchatau and Batystau (Kazakhstan). She was editor-in-chief of five of the 12 issues of the encyclopedic guide "Minerals".  
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| Авторы = Gritsenko Yu.D.  
| Авторы = Karpenko V.Yu., Pautov L.A., Shodibekov M., Makhmadsharif S., Mirakov M.A.
| Название = Titanium garnets collection of the A.E.Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, p. 3-5
| Название = Coconinoite: find at the Zor-Yarchi-Chak ore occurrence, Eastern Pamir, pp. 19-25
| Файл = Gritsenko2018-1_rus.pdf
| Аннотация = The find of coconinoite Fe2Al2 (UO2) 2 (PO4) 4 (SO4) (OH) 2 ∙ 20H2O in the oxidation zone at the uranium occurrence Zor-Yarchi-Chak (right bank of the South Ak-Baital River, Eastern Pamir, Tajikistan) is described. The mineral is found in cracks of essentially quartz rock in the form of dense clay-like masses of yellowish color (up to 2 cm2 in area), consisting of lamellar individuals 5–10 microns in diameter across. The refractive index nm = 1.589 (3) at 589 nm. The IR spectrum of the mineral is given. Composition (molecular weight, wt.%, Average for 24 analyzes; range for Al and Fe; H2O - CNH analysis, average for 2 analyzes, wt.%): Al2O3 6.95 (5.44–7.70), Fe2O3 11.13 ( 9.77–12.91), UO3 39.09, P2O5 18.35, SO3 4.64, H2O 22.7, total 102.86. The overestimation of the amount may be associated with partial dehydration of the mineral during microprobe analysis. The empirical formula is Fe2.07Al2.12U + 62.08P3.93S0.88О24 (OH) 2 · 18.16H2O (calculated on 24O + 2OH). Unit cell parameters: a = 12.45 (1), b = 12.87 (1), c = 22.75 (1), β = 105.66 (4). An analysis of the variations of Al and Fe in coconinoite from different locations (up to the high-aluminum non-iron analogue, Koscheka, Uzbekistan) confirms the existence of a natural series with extreme Al and Fe dominant members.
| Приложения = Gritsenko2018-1_supp_rus.xlsx
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| Авторы = Pautov L.A., Mirakov M.A., Shchodibekov M.A.
| Название = The discovery of herzenbergite in the granite miarol pegmatite of Vez-Dar in the South-Western Pamir (Tajikistan), p. 6-14
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| Файл = Pautov2018-1_rus.pdf
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| Авторы = Shcherbakov V.D., Plechov P.Yu.
| Авторы = Pautov L.A., Karpenko V.Yu., Mirakov M.A., Alinazarov U.S., Shodibekov M.A., Iskandarov F.Sh.
| Название = Phosphorus-containing olivine from the volcano Tolbachik lava flow in 2012-2013, p. 15-17
| Название = About bismuthocolumbite from myarolite granite pegmatites in the Eastern Pamirs, pp. 26-37
| Аннотация = 160 high-precision analyzes of olivine from lava and tephra of volcanic Tolbachik eruption have been published. Lava and tephra were collected while still hot during the eruption. It is shown that phosphorus rich zones were formed during the skeletal growth of olivine already during the course of lava flow over the surface.
| Аннотация = Findings of bismuthocolumbumite in myarolite granite pegmatites of the Rangkul pegmatite field in the Eastern Pamirs, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Okrug, Tajikistan are described. The mineral was found in the form of crystals up to 2 cm in the myarol cavities of the pegmatite veins Mika, Malysh and in the form of sprouts of 20–30 μm in Sc-containing columbite-Mn in intergrowth with eschinitis- (Y) in the near-myarol complex of pegmatite Dorozhny. The crystals were measured on a goniometer; the calculated and measured coordinates of the faces are given (in the setup a <c <b). The habitus of the crystals is prismatic, determined by the faces of the rhombic prism m {110}; minor and weakly expressed faces of the prismatic belt: pinacoid {010}, prisms {130}, {150}, {160}, {170}; the usual faces of the head are the rhombic prism i {101} and the dipyramid u {111}, the more rare prism f {032}. The color of bismuthocolumbite in crystals is dark brown, almost black, shines reddish-brown, in small fragments reddish-brown to light brown. The trait is light brown. Cleavage perfect according to (010). The measured density, g / cm3, 7.36 (1) (Kid), 7.61 (1) (Mika). Optically biaxial (+), 2V = 70 (10) °, the dispersion is strong, r> v. The plane of the optical axes is perpendicular to the (010) plane. The refractive indices of bismuth-columbite from Mick's pegmatite: np = 2.42 (1), nm = 2.45 (1), ng = 2.50 (2). In reflected light, gray with a faint bluish tint, medium reflectivity, strong anisotropy, strong reflections from yellow to reddish-brown. Reflection spectra are given. Microhardness VHN100 = 360 (Kid), 353 (Mika). 6 m. analyzes. Chem. composition (wt.%, selective an., Kid, Mika, Dorozhniy): Ta2O5 2.11, 11.66, 8.61; Nb2O5 35.54, 28.11, 8.61; WO3 0.08, 0.11, 3.60; TiO2 0.02, 0.00, 0.58; PbO 0.10, 0.10, 0.00; SnO2 0.03, 0.12, 0.00; MnO 0.00, 0.01, 0.26; FeO 0.03, 0.00, 0.11; Sb2O3 0.78, 1.77, 8.55; Bi2O3 62.50, 57.59, 49.75; amount 101.19, 99.47, 100.10. X-ray powder diffraction patterns are shown. Parameters of the rhombic unit cell (Å): a = 4.982 (2), b = 11.719 (4); c = 5.677 (2) (Kid); a = 4.981 (2), b = 11.746 (4); c = 5.670 (2) (Mika). Possible reasons for the rarity of bismuthocolocolumbite as compared to stibiocolumbite and their Ta analogues are discussed.
| Файл = Shcherbakov_Plechov2018-1_rus.pdf
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| Приложения = Sherbakov_Plechov2018-1_supp_rus.xlsx
| Авторы = Vlasov E.A., Nikolaev Yu.N., Apletalin A.V., Pustovalov V.Yu.
| Название = Copper minerals from metamorphogenic veins of the headwaters of the river Ilirneivaem, Chukotka, p. 18-19
| Аннотация =
| Файл = Vlasov2018-1_rus.pdf
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| Авторы = Generalov M.E., Pautov L.A.  
| Авторы = Kasatkin A.V.
| Название = Second Lieutenant Chernik Porpecite, p. 20-24
| Название = To the question of re-studying mineralogical samples from museum collections. I. General Aspects, pp. 38-51
| Аннотация = When studying the samples of papetzite transferred to the collection of the Mineralogical Museum by the G.P. Chernik in 1909, it was found that in addition to the proper pappelite (palladium gold of 600-700 probes), they contain native palladium and sulphide phases of Pd<sub>4</sub>S composition. It was also found out that placers, where platinum minerals were found at the end of the XIX century, are located not in Georgia, as indicated in the literature, but in Turkey, near the city of Artvin.
| Аннотация = The article is devoted to the problem of re-studying the samples of minerals stored in museum collections. Two main areas of revision of museum material are examined in detail. One of them is the re-study of the originals of the first study of minerals (type specimens), specifically aimed at clarifying the essential characteristics of insufficiently studied mineral species. The second direction covers all other samples stored in museum collections. The results of their re-study can be the discovery of new mineral species or clarification of the characteristics of already known minerals, finds, including the first, of rare minerals in a certain region and, in any case, an increase in the degree of knowledge or reliability of the diagnosis of a particular mineral. The significance of the results of such studies determines the relevance of the re-study of museum material and increases the value of museum collections.
| Файл = Generalov_Pautov2018-1_rus.pdf
| Файл =  
| Авторы = Generalov M.E.
| Название = Faberge and Abraxas, p. 25-29
| Аннотация =
| Файл = Generalov2018-1_rus.pdf
| Авторы = Pekov I.V.
| Название = In memoream of E.I.Semenov (1927-2017), p. 30-32
| Аннотация =
| Файл = Pekov2018-1_rus.pdf
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====Contents of issue 2 (volume 52). Articles and brief reports on the study of mineralogical objects.====
==== ''Issue 2'' ====
| Авторы = Pautov L.A., Shchodibekov M.A., Mirakov M.A., Faiziev A.R., Khvorov P.V.
| Авторы = Kasatkin A.V., Skoda R., Chukanov N.V.  
| Название = Uranopolycrase (U,Y)(Ti,Nb)<sub>2</sub>O<sub>6</sub> from the miarolic pegmatite Museum in the area of ​​the Kukhilal field (South-Western Pamir, Tajikistan)
| Название = To the question of re-studying mineralogical samples from museum collections. II. Cannonite and legernite from the Bukuk deposit (Transbaikalia), pp. 53-60
| Файл = Pautov2018-2_rus.pdf
| Аннотация = Rare bismuth sulfates, cannonite Bi2O (SO4) (OH) 2 and legernite Bi12.67O14 (SO4) 5 were established by us as a result of re-study of bismuthine samples from the tungsten deposit Bukuk (Eastern Transbaikalia), stored in the systematic collection of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of RAS, numbered 56077. Both minerals are closely fused together in polymineral pseudomorphs along coarse bismuth crystals, forming veins up to 4 cm long and up to 0.5 cm thick. Empirical formulas: Cannonite Bi2.06S0.97O5 (OH) 2, Bi12 legernite. 67S5.00O34. The parameters of monoclinic unit cells: for cannonite a = 7.691 (1), b = 13.874 (2), c = 5.6569 (8) Å, β = 109.23 (1) °, V = 569.90 (9) ų and Z = 4; in legernite: a = 11.197 (2), b = 5.714 (1), c = 11.879 (2) Å, β = 99.37 (2) °, V = 749.9 (2) ų and Z = 1. Strong bands in spectra: for cannonite 111, 121, 144, 184, 221, 318, 437, 450, 560, 619, 983, 1059, 3439 cm – 1, for legernite 150, 183, 216, 313, 474, 969 cm – 1. Both minerals were found for the first time in the Russian Federation.
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| Авторы = Ivanova Yu.A., Vlasov E.A. 
| Название = Rutile K-feldspar-quartz veins of headwaters of the river Dvoynaya, Western Chukotka
| Файл = Ivanova2018-2_rus.pdf
| Приложения =
| Авторы = Pavlova T.M.
| Название = Academician A.E.Fersman scientific readings. History. Chronology.  
| Файл = Pavlova2018-2_rus.pdf
| Аннотация = The chronology of the scientific readings of Academician Fersman is given. The authors of the scientific reports and the topics are presented, as well as the time and place of the readings.
In the article 1 table, list of literature from 5 titles. The article contains 1 table, references (5 titles).
| Приложения =
| Авторы = Shchipalkina N.V., Kononov O.V., Pekov I.V., Koshlyakova N.N., Britvin S.N.
| Название = Wollastonite and ferrobustite of the Tyrnyauz ore field (North Caucasus): chemical composition, relations and mineralogical-technological aspect
| Файл = Schipalkina2018-2_rus.pdf
| Аннотация =  
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Текущая версия на 15:48, 4 июня 2020

New Data on Minerals, Volume 54, 2020


Issue 1 - March 31, 2020
Issue 2 - May 31, 2020
Issue 3 - August 31, 2020
Issue 4 - November 30, 2020

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief:
Plechov P.Yu. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
Members of Editorial Board:
Garanin V.K. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
Novgorodova M.I. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor
Borutsky B.E. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
Spiridonov B.E. - Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
Kamenetsky V.S. - Professor (University of Tasmania)
Nenasheva S.N. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
Matvienko E.N. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
Generalov M.E. - PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
Pautov L.A. - Senior Researcher
Layout Designer
Kronrod E.V. - PhD in Chemistry


Issue 1

Smolyaninova V.N. Devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Natalia Nikolaevna Smolyaninova, pp. 1-18

Natalia Nikolaevna Smolyaninova (1919–2013) was a mineralogist, daughter of the famous mineralogist Nikolai Alekseevich Smolyaninov. She worked at IGEM of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, studied mineralogy of the radium-uranium-vanadium deposit Tyuya-Muyun (Kyrgyzstan) and tungsten-molybdenum deposits Akchatau and Batystau (Kazakhstan). She was editor-in-chief of five of the 12 issues of the encyclopedic guide "Minerals".

Karpenko V.Yu., Pautov L.A., Shodibekov M., Makhmadsharif S., Mirakov M.A. Coconinoite: find at the Zor-Yarchi-Chak ore occurrence, Eastern Pamir, pp. 19-25

The find of coconinoite Fe2Al2 (UO2) 2 (PO4) 4 (SO4) (OH) 2 ∙ 20H2O in the oxidation zone at the uranium occurrence Zor-Yarchi-Chak (right bank of the South Ak-Baital River, Eastern Pamir, Tajikistan) is described. The mineral is found in cracks of essentially quartz rock in the form of dense clay-like masses of yellowish color (up to 2 cm2 in area), consisting of lamellar individuals 5–10 microns in diameter across. The refractive index nm = 1.589 (3) at 589 nm. The IR spectrum of the mineral is given. Composition (molecular weight, wt.%, Average for 24 analyzes; range for Al and Fe; H2O - CNH analysis, average for 2 analyzes, wt.%): Al2O3 6.95 (5.44–7.70), Fe2O3 11.13 ( 9.77–12.91), UO3 39.09, P2O5 18.35, SO3 4.64, H2O 22.7, total 102.86. The overestimation of the amount may be associated with partial dehydration of the mineral during microprobe analysis. The empirical formula is Fe2.07Al2.12U + 62.08P3.93S0.88О24 (OH) 2 · 18.16H2O (calculated on 24O + 2OH). Unit cell parameters: a = 12.45 (1), b = 12.87 (1), c = 22.75 (1), β = 105.66 (4). An analysis of the variations of Al and Fe in coconinoite from different locations (up to the high-aluminum non-iron analogue, Koscheka, Uzbekistan) confirms the existence of a natural series with extreme Al and Fe dominant members.

Pautov L.A., Karpenko V.Yu., Mirakov M.A., Alinazarov U.S., Shodibekov M.A., Iskandarov F.Sh. About bismuthocolumbite from myarolite granite pegmatites in the Eastern Pamirs, pp. 26-37

Findings of bismuthocolumbumite in myarolite granite pegmatites of the Rangkul pegmatite field in the Eastern Pamirs, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Okrug, Tajikistan are described. The mineral was found in the form of crystals up to 2 cm in the myarol cavities of the pegmatite veins Mika, Malysh and in the form of sprouts of 20–30 μm in Sc-containing columbite-Mn in intergrowth with eschinitis- (Y) in the near-myarol complex of pegmatite Dorozhny. The crystals were measured on a goniometer; the calculated and measured coordinates of the faces are given (in the setup a <c <b). The habitus of the crystals is prismatic, determined by the faces of the rhombic prism m {110}; minor and weakly expressed faces of the prismatic belt: pinacoid {010}, prisms {130}, {150}, {160}, {170}; the usual faces of the head are the rhombic prism i {101} and the dipyramid u {111}, the more rare prism f {032}. The color of bismuthocolumbite in crystals is dark brown, almost black, shines reddish-brown, in small fragments reddish-brown to light brown. The trait is light brown. Cleavage perfect according to (010). The measured density, g / cm3, 7.36 (1) (Kid), 7.61 (1) (Mika). Optically biaxial (+), 2V = 70 (10) °, the dispersion is strong, r> v. The plane of the optical axes is perpendicular to the (010) plane. The refractive indices of bismuth-columbite from Mick's pegmatite: np = 2.42 (1), nm = 2.45 (1), ng = 2.50 (2). In reflected light, gray with a faint bluish tint, medium reflectivity, strong anisotropy, strong reflections from yellow to reddish-brown. Reflection spectra are given. Microhardness VHN100 = 360 (Kid), 353 (Mika). 6 m. analyzes. Chem. composition (wt.%, selective an., Kid, Mika, Dorozhniy): Ta2O5 2.11, 11.66, 8.61; Nb2O5 35.54, 28.11, 8.61; WO3 0.08, 0.11, 3.60; TiO2 0.02, 0.00, 0.58; PbO 0.10, 0.10, 0.00; SnO2 0.03, 0.12, 0.00; MnO 0.00, 0.01, 0.26; FeO 0.03, 0.00, 0.11; Sb2O3 0.78, 1.77, 8.55; Bi2O3 62.50, 57.59, 49.75; amount 101.19, 99.47, 100.10. X-ray powder diffraction patterns are shown. Parameters of the rhombic unit cell (Å): a = 4.982 (2), b = 11.719 (4); c = 5.677 (2) (Kid); a = 4.981 (2), b = 11.746 (4); c = 5.670 (2) (Mika). Possible reasons for the rarity of bismuthocolocolumbite as compared to stibiocolumbite and their Ta analogues are discussed.

Kasatkin A.V. To the question of re-studying mineralogical samples from museum collections. I. General Aspects, pp. 38-51

The article is devoted to the problem of re-studying the samples of minerals stored in museum collections. Two main areas of revision of museum material are examined in detail. One of them is the re-study of the originals of the first study of minerals (type specimens), specifically aimed at clarifying the essential characteristics of insufficiently studied mineral species. The second direction covers all other samples stored in museum collections. The results of their re-study can be the discovery of new mineral species or clarification of the characteristics of already known minerals, finds, including the first, of rare minerals in a certain region and, in any case, an increase in the degree of knowledge or reliability of the diagnosis of a particular mineral. The significance of the results of such studies determines the relevance of the re-study of museum material and increases the value of museum collections.

Issue 2

Kasatkin A.V., Skoda R., Chukanov N.V. To the question of re-studying mineralogical samples from museum collections. II. Cannonite and legernite from the Bukuk deposit (Transbaikalia), pp. 53-60

Rare bismuth sulfates, cannonite Bi2O (SO4) (OH) 2 and legernite Bi12.67O14 (SO4) 5 were established by us as a result of re-study of bismuthine samples from the tungsten deposit Bukuk (Eastern Transbaikalia), stored in the systematic collection of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of RAS, numbered 56077. Both minerals are closely fused together in polymineral pseudomorphs along coarse bismuth crystals, forming veins up to 4 cm long and up to 0.5 cm thick. Empirical formulas: Cannonite Bi2.06S0.97O5 (OH) 2, Bi12 legernite. 67S5.00O34. The parameters of monoclinic unit cells: for cannonite a = 7.691 (1), b = 13.874 (2), c = 5.6569 (8) Å, β = 109.23 (1) °, V = 569.90 (9) ų and Z = 4; in legernite: a = 11.197 (2), b = 5.714 (1), c = 11.879 (2) Å, β = 99.37 (2) °, V = 749.9 (2) ų and Z = 1. Strong bands in spectra: for cannonite 111, 121, 144, 184, 221, 318, 437, 450, 560, 619, 983, 1059, 3439 cm – 1, for legernite 150, 183, 216, 313, 474, 969 cm – 1. Both minerals were found for the first time in the Russian Federation.